Born at 1:35am, weighing in at 8 pounds and 20 inches long, with a head of curly black hair and 9 days early. He's here and he's healthy....almost. At some point, during my almost uneventful delivery, Cooper developed an infection. No clue where it came from or how he got it, but he has something. His little infection landed him in the NICU pronto. The nurses just want to be super safe. He is on a round of antibiotics and will be for the next 5 days.
He's the boss hog in NICU. The big kid. Not on machines, no IVs, just a monitor on his toes. He is eating really well, about every 3 hours. He's pushy and loud and not afraid to tell you as such. He's just perfect and we couldn't be happier.
While we won't be leaving later today with him, we will be leaving with an even more perfect baby on Saturday once he beats this infection and finishes his round of meds. He might actually appreciate the quiet time... I'm sure Parker won't allow much once he arrives home.
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